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The Story of

KCPK-LP Community Media Project

The full back-story will help you to understand the “Conscious Podcasting” focus of this On-Line Training.  Further, you will gain an appreciation of why each Training Module takes you through 3 integrative phases:  Process-oriented Team Approach, Personal Development, and Skills Training.  And you will learn why your ultimate goal of creating your own business is guided in a gentle mentoring approach by Professional Mental Health and Personal Growth Providers.

The Originator’s Story—Our Founder Dr. Shelia Clark

Dr. Clark’s journey into psychology began over 40 years ago when her youngest sister sustained a severe head injury from an auto accident. Here is her personal story: 


“The lack of empathy of the hospital staff, their dissociation from understanding that a person in a coma has a “conscious” mind was causing my heart to break. Despite my arguments and pleading for them to stop speaking on-going negativity in her presence about her prognosis, they continued to do so. With great emotional pain, I called upon a Christian Science Practitioner for assistance. The experience of the opening of my own consciousness to the vast loving energy of the universe changed my life. With a power flooding into my body, words flowing from that vast source, I was able to turn around the negativity of the caretakers of my sister.  After two months, she emerged from the coma. Though it took years for her to recover physical and cognitive skills, she was able to return to college (with disability benefits and support), and achieve her goal of being a writer.”


At that time, Dr. Clark and her husband were raising two small children and both had to work full-time for sufficient financial support. She states:  “The awareness of my awakened consciousness gave me courage to overcome the great financial challenge of obtaining my Psychology license.” Spurred onward by the healing experience with her sister, she entered college, going to week-end classes. In 1983, she obtained her B.S. degree, her M.A. degree in 1985, and the Ph.D. in psychology in 1991.

Mental Health Nonprofit Organization

In 1995, Dr. Clark formed the California Family Counseling Network, Inc., (CFCN) in the Western region of Los Angeles County, in Covina, California. CFCN obtained IRS 501(c)(3) status on March 4, 1996, and was the first mental health nonprofit in the area to bring together the private practice mental health provider with the underserved people. The complete mission statement can be read here:


In 2003, Dr. Clark suffered a medical emergency due to a spider bite that almost took her life. CFCN went inactive for several years. She and her husband moved to Pine Mountain Club to live with their daughter and son-in-law while their personal financial situations were resolved. 


Dr. Clark healed in the mountains and grew deeply attached to the community and the environment that created her healing. The headquarters of CFCN were moved to her new home location, and the activities of CFCN were renewed with the mountain mental health providers. 

Sponsorship of New Artistic Nonprofit

CFCN become an IRS “tax umbrella” for other community group activities. In 2005, Dr.  Clark and her husband joined with other local residents to create the Free Speech Zone Theatre (FZST) and received the Pine Mountain Club 2008 Community Service Award, as published in The Condor: 


"They have provided significant opportunities for the community to learn about social issues. In the past three years, they have put on three theatrical readings followed by roundtable discussions. Through these theatrical and communal discussion events, they have given PMC residents a chance to experience open communication about past and present events that have shaped our world today. Providing a free speech atmosphere for social discussion is a plus and should be celebrated."


The FSZT lead to the creation of a new nonprofit, The Center of the World Festival (COTWF), which was accepted for IRS 501(c)(3) status on September 24, 2009. This further explanation of the theatrical focus was posted on the COTWF website:


“…Reader’s theatre is a venue perfect for people who want to be on stage, but can't see themselves memorizing a lot of lines. Often, reader’s theatre is defined by "what it is not" rather than what it is.  There are usually no sets or set changes, no elaborate costumes, and few lights or sound effects. The set is simple, mostly chairs, a music stand for holding a script, and an audience who may sometimes become part of the stage itself…The reader/actors may portray multiple roles throughout the performances. Scripts are "held in hand" and the play becomes a vehicle for "voices" rather than full character development…”


COTWF was established as a membership run nonprofit. Under IRS rules, all decisions must be made by the membership, rather than being top-down run by a Board of Directors, like most nonprofits are run. Yearly artistic festivals were held, with competition categories growing from playwrights to songwriting, artwork, storytelling, videos, and photography. Throughout the years, COTWF received small grants to aid in the development of talent in all these areas. In 2013, COTWF opened the first membership-run Artisans Gallery on the mountain. 

KCPK-LP FCC Radio Station

In October 2013, the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) opened the first filing period in over 40 years for communities to apply for locally-run FM low-power radio stations. The COTWF members applied and received on June 19, 2014, a “construction permit” to build the radio station. The call letters KCPK-LP and channel FM 106.9 were chosen. 


On January 31, 2017, the FCC granted approval for KCPK-LP to begin broadcasting on FM 106.9 in Pine Mountain Club. The value of KCPK-LP was increased for the community. These included: a) KCPK-LP becoming an affiliate with Pacific Network with 200 other grass-roots stations for sharing of content;

b) creating workshops and online courses in all matters relating to the running of a radio station; c) creating local shows; d) securing underwriting funding; e) website development ( and f) creating an international internet radio stream (

The Change of Course for CFCN

Legal and financial barriers developed due to the IRS requirement that active members were required to run COTWF and there being difficulties fulfilling that requirement due to COVID-19. In March 2020, the process began to transfer the FCC license of KCPK-LP to CFCN, and to legally dissolve COTWF as a State nonprofit, which was completed in September 2020.


After KCPK-LP became officially licensed to CFCN, a transition began in the nature of the radio programming. Whereas under COTWF, the mission focus of broadcasting was upon the celebration of the arts, the CFCN mission focus now prevailed. KCPK-LP began seeking radio shows that covered topics of mental health and emotional well-being, as well as spiritual and meditation approaches to wellness:


At this site, you are told: YOU ARE THE EXPERT ON YOURSELF!  KCPK-LP wants NEW emerging voices that reflect our country's current situation and needs! KCPK-LP is doing outreach to community voices who reflect real life, not the "polished image" of the stereotypical radio host personality. EVERYONE IS AN EXPERT ON ONE THING! THEMSELVES! You will grow and develop as a Radio Show Host as you grow and develop as yourself!”

The Birth of Wisdom Psychotherapy

Many people’s lives have been changed by COVID-19, and Dr. Clark’s sense of purpose is no exception. At the age of 74 and reviewing her life, she now wanted to give to society, the culture and the world, some of the benefits she has received in her life. And following the anticipated future of her Tribal Membership (Natchitoches Tribe of Louisiana), she developed a new website to promote the concept of wisdom therapy:


And closely following, she began developing for KCPK-LP the concept of the “conscious podcast”:  “Creating a “conscious” podcast refers to including your conscious experiences, your individual awareness of your own internal thoughts, feelings, memories, and sensations. It includes awareness of your culture, happenings outside of that culture, the vast experiences of humanity, and your part in the whole of humanity…”


The Conscious Podcast Birth! We care about you and your podcast! It is Dr. Clark’s psychology focus to increase each individual’s confidence that they are capable of changing the world through networking in conscious ideas. That is why it is important that KCPK-LP provides education and training to you.

Combining of CFCN mission with KCPK-LP outreach

You are now reviewing the new website developed to provide you with: 

Self-Paced training

You can proceed from one segment or Module to the next at your speed. There’s no pressure to complete the assignments and learn at the same speed as others. You create your own schedule and can study when you can focus best. Everyone has different learning styles. Self-paced learning makes it possible for you to adapt the material to your specific learning style. 

Network Building Team Forums

KCPK-LP radio is creating a network of teams that is empowered to operate outside of the usual radio station structure and usual podcast business model. This model is in response to the coronavirus, and follows the direction that other organizations are moving. 

Process-Oriented Training

Process-oriented learning means that instead of teaching facts or a way to do something, teachers will act more like facilitators, scaffolding the students' process of coming up with ideas and thinking about the process. As the students themselves influence their work and how they perform it, they will:  work more effectively, experience less stress, achieve higher efficiency, have more pleasure in their work, be more motivated, and get more satisfaction from their work.   

Personal Development

Personal development involves “sharpening” yourself on various dimensions:  “spiritual” to do things that inspire you, ensure innovation and growth; “mental” to develop your cognitive skills; and “social-emotional” to develop, use, and maintain your emphatic capacity. Personal development puts you at the helm and facilitates leadership, as you flow with your own qualities and talents.   

Technical Skills Education

Goal-oriented, focused work which teaches knowledge of the smallest details of a task. The teaching usually manifests itself in “doing as shown” and can be quite “black and white” for the outcome, as applies to most technology training. This type of training is well-known in the Western culture, but without Process-oriented and Personal Development components, it leads to overly-stressed and unhappy students who feel they have to repress their creativity. 

The Training Modules

MODULE ONE OF YOUR TRAINING:  MEET EMERGING RADIO VOICES!  Dr. Clark has developed a unique and personalizable way to assist you in developing your own creative idea for a radio show. Please watch the video which offers you a guided method towards this goal:


Please sign up for this FIRST STEP:


Guidance and education are available every step of the way.  YOUR VOICE ON THE AIR WAVES IS ONE WAY THAT WE FULFILL OUR MSSION OF COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT!” (“Community” is defined as “local, national, and global.”)


Dr. Clark says to you: The Free Module One is our way of greeting you and letting you experience this process. If you have even a small light guiding you to our courses, let’s see if it will brighten with your Interview with me. Is it a GO for us working together? Is it a Good Fit? If you have a computer with microphone, we can meet. If you have a cell phone with a microphone, we can meet.”

Module Two

you will receive Skills training in podcasting--scripting, recording, editing. These skills will involve training in relevant computer technology aspects, including hardware and software. 

Module Three

You will receive Education in applicable legal topics, including:  FCC radio broadcasting laws, copyright laws, Creative Commons contracts, and broadcast releases.

Module Four

You will create a podcast series (24-weekly episodes) which will be terrestrially broadcast from KCPK-LP (, the licensed FCC radio station in Pine Mountain Club, California, on FM 106.9, & streamed on KCPK-LP’s national internet station at:   

KCPK-LP, as an affiliate radio station of Pacifica Network, will submit your podcast series for syndication with 200 other affiliate radio stations.

Module Five

You will develop your own internet radio station. You will host your other radio shows here, beyond those you developed for Module Four. You will learn how to use your internet station to educate other individuals in starting their own podcast radio shows. You may broadcast their shows from your internet radio station. 

Module Six

You will be trained in building a platform-based free website. You will be taught how to repurpose your radio podcast audio content, with training in transcription and editing of your radio shows for blogging and book formats  (i.e., e-book), which will be hosted on your media website, where you will also post the URL link to your internet radio station.

Module Seven

You will learn about other free resources available for business development. You will learn how to use your internet stations and media websites to educate other individuals in starting their own media-based businesses.

Module Eight

Module Eight is always available throughout the training. You may receive further consultations from professionals who will integrate self-esteem training and motivational techniques. 

The Re-Branding Challenge

Today, you have many choices for your training in podcasting.  While most other training programs are promoting that podcasters have total freedom in Verbal content, we look at the guidance of the Federal Communications Commission and fulfill our FCC license requirements.  The following Key-Words describe this process:


Healthy podcasts! Consciousness and awareness! Emotional safety! Gentle mentoring!


We are natural storytellers! Transforming your life experiences into storytelling! 


Changing words to sensory emotional images! Painting pictures your listeners can see in their mind!


Create honest and authentic connection with your listeners! Increase Intuitive and Empathic Thinking!


With Conscious Podcasting, your growth will be visible externally and you will know it internally! Your podcast will have a ripple effect around the world!


Actualize your vision! Discover the tools to free yourself!


Face challenges and overcome them with a Team behind you! Focus upon connection, teambuilding, and culture—You are not alone!


Define your worth as you determine it! Encouraging others to Find their Moment and join in your business! 


Join in the journey of liberating the power of your voice! Unlock your throat!


The more you free yourself, the more you free other people!


Collective optimistic vision!


Let’s start working Together! Let’s create new networking systems!


Let’s create a regenerative economy!

Beyond the Back-Story

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Listen to Bob Clark and Jay Nichols, Board Members, as they interview Dr.  Shelia Clark:

00:00 / 28:54
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Listen to Judith Cassis, Writing Coach, as she interviews Dr.  Shelia Clark:

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Listen to Shelia Clark, Ph.D. as she interviews Nide Zimemo-Stannard:

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Listen to Shelia Clark, Ph.D. as she interviews Kacey Love:

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Listen to Robbie Clark, in his 63rd podcast for KCPK-LP, about his adventures as a student at Berkeley College:

00:00 / 28:47

Listen to "home recording" of 60 Hurtz music:

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Watch Dr. Clark's video offer for Your Interview on her Podcast "Meet Emerging Radio Voices":

Are your Questions answered in this "Back-Story" page?

Do you "know" us now?  And that we have the knowledge you need?

Do you "like" us now?  The podcasters have shared their life choices with you.

Do you "trust" us now?  Our stories reveal our values and personal journeys.

© 2020 by California Family Counseling Network, Inc.

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